
Creating an AWS Budget with Pulumi

It finally happened to me...I forgot to delete an AWS resource. I am usually pretty good about my dev environment clean-up, but this can still happen to the best of us 😅. I decided right then and there to deploy AWS budget alerts and to automate this task with Pulumi. Read on to see how quick and easy it can be...

Posted July 10, 2024 by Trevor Roberts Jr ‐ 4 min read

Running Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for AWS Lambda Functions on Terraform Cloud

While reviewing my blog infrastructure, I realized I was still using the deprecated go Lambda runtime to invalidate my CloudFront cache. When I went to update my Lambda deployment automation, I realized I deployed it manually 😅. Read on to see how I went about automating the final manual component of my blog infrastructure...

Posted February 29, 2024 by Trevor Roberts Jr ‐ 8 min read